How Long Should AC Stay Off Between Cycles?
How long should your AC stay off between cycles? Most AC units run in cycles to achieve the optimal temperatures based on thermostat settings. Unfortunately, in most cases,
How long should your AC stay off between cycles? Most AC units run in cycles to achieve the optimal temperatures based on thermostat settings. Unfortunately, in most cases,
Setting the AC to cool the room only to notice rising temperatures could leave you wondering, ‘why is my AC blowing hot air?’ The hot air can make
Summer is exciting for activities both outdoors and indoors, but all homeowners need to implement the most effective HVAC summer tips to stay comfortable. The season has high
Is your furnace pressure switch stuck open? There are many reasons this can happen, but the good news is that you can troubleshoot it. The burner and blower
Setting colder AC temperatures during summer can increase your overall home comfort. But too high, and you’ll instead have lowered HVAC’s efficiency and higher energy consumption. Choosing the
A basement is usually cold, forcing you to look for the best way to heat a basement if you plan to set up an office or lounge in
Has your furnace been shutting down right after you start it up? It’s evidence that it is malfunctioning, but what could be the issue? One of the reasons
Leaving your air conditioner unused for a while encourages mold to grow. By the time you notice that there may be mold growing in an air conditioner, things
Most residential furnaces run on gas, so gas can smell from furnace systems when there’s a leak. Propane and natural gas are the most popular types used in