At Hurliman, we understand the importance of clean air for a healthy home or office space and a healthy you. One of the most effective ways to improve your indoor air quality is by using a residential or commercial UV light air purifier. Its powerful lights are safe for you but are effective in killing harmful mold, bacteria, and viruses.
From installation and repair services, Hurliman Heating & Air Conditioning will install a UV light air purification system so that you can breathe easily in your Spokane Valley home or office.
UV purifiers work by emitting ultraviolet rays, which are safe for you, but deadly to molds, bacteria, and viruses. When these contaminants pass through the UV light for the HVAC system, they are prevented from reproducing and spreading throughout your home.
This means that you can rest easy, knowing that your new Hurliman’s HVAC system will not only capture unwanted pollutants but eliminate them for good, providing you with the cleanest and healthiest air possible.
Delivering professional service with genuine care is what sets our business apart. Our commitment goes beyond maintaining our stellar reputation; we're driven by the belief that comfort should be affordable.
When you choose Hurliman Heating & Air Conditioning for HVAC installation, repair, maintenance, or inspection, you get a solution designed to last. We're dedicated to delivering the excellent service you want to share with friends and family.
For over 66 years, we've been providing top-notch heating and air conditioning services. This legacy has allowed us to develop a robust system for consistently exceeding customer expectations with cost-effective solutions.
Expect fast services and quality every time with Hurliman. Speak to an HVAC specialist to install a feature like a UV germicidal lamp or similar device today.
Rely on professional and certified year-round expertise and performance at an affordable rate.
Hassle-free, quick, and efficient services tailored to you. Installing a UV light air purification system not only cleans out the air in your home, but also reduces energy costs, allowing for better airflow and energy efficiency.
We believe in cost transparency. Get a free estimate today on installations that will stand the test of time.
Investing in home air purification is an investment in your health. We take these services seriously and are dedicated to affordable solutions and excellent customer service. At Hurliman, we pride ourselves on being a reputable service provider in the Spokane Valley area for more than 65 years.
Hurliman offers free estimates and financing options to fit any budget. Plus, our energy-efficient systems will save you money on your energy bills, offsetting the costs of installation.
Call us at (509) 891-5110 today for a free estimate and schedule installation for your UV purifiers in Spokane Valley anytime. Let our team of experts help you purify your home.
Hurliman Heating & Air Conditioning strives for customer satisfaction! We have many happy customers who would love to share their stories with you. Take a look and read all of our testimonials below.